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On Saturday 14th May I’ll be joining Scarlett Thomas, Charlotte Otter and Darrel Bristow-Bovey to talk about “Seeds of the Imagination”. If you’re in Franschhoek, come on down. If you’re not planning to be in Franschhoek (yet), maybe this programme will convince you.



 Get Blown Away by Books in the Deep South

On Thursday the 17th at 7pm in the Fish Hoek Library, I’ll be talking ‘Foreign Settings’ with Claire Robertson and Rahla Xenopoulos, chaired by Diane Awerbuck. Full festival programme here.



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Join us in conversation at Stellenbosch University’s Woordfees on Thursday, 10 March,2016

Jacqui L’Ange: The Seed Thief
Presented by Penguin Random House
The Seed Thief is a modern love story with an ancient history, a tale that moves from flora of Table Mountain to the heart of Afro-Brazilian spiritualism. Author and editor Helen Moffett talks to Jacqui L’Ange, former deputy editor of The Oprah Magazine, about this entrancing and richly imagined novel.
10 March 09:00 | HB Thom-Foyer | 60min | R50 | R60 at the door


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Exclusive Books Cavendish Square, Friday 11th December, 5 – 7 p.m.

Get a personalised signed books for yourself and everyone you know this Christmas, help put libraries into schools, and feed children’s minds with great stories!

I’ll be among the authors at the annual Cape Times pre-Christmas book-signing. We’ll be raising funds and awareness for the “library in every school” project which supports the work of The Bookery, an independent NPO working to put a library in every school in South Africa.
Buy a participating authors’ book – which they will sign for you – and 10% will be donated to the project.
Participating authors are: Lauren Beukes, Peter Church, Justin Fox, Jade Gibson, Joanne Hichens, Jacqui L’Ange, Sindiwe Magona, Paige Nick, Mike Nicol, Kathryn White and Rahla Xenopoulos.

Come on down!



The Good Book Appreciation Society Sunday ‘Cocktail Hour’

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openbooklogoOpen Book Fest : 9 – 13 September 2015

Cape Town’s annual literary gathering, the Open Book Festival, runs from 9 – 13 September 2015. This year I’ll be involved in four sessions, along with some fabulous authors:

  •  Thursday 10 Sept, 12.00 – 13.00 ‘Sowing the Seeds’: Patrick Gale, Jacqui L’Ange and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor talk about researching place/time with Nancy Richards
  •  Thursday 10 Sept, 16.00-17.00 ‘Looking for Home’: Jacqui L’Ange, Alain Mabanckou and Laura van den Berg interrogate the meanings of home in their recent books with Nick Mulgrew
  •  Friday 11 September, 12.00 – 13.00 ‘Daughter of the River’: Jacqui L’Ange speaks to Chinese author Hong Ying, about her memoir.
  •  Saturday 12 September, 20:00-21:00 ‘Shades of Green’: Jacqui L’Ange, Andrew Miller and Henrietta Rose-Innes talk ecological fiction with Justin Fox

Find the full programme and book tickets at: