May 2016

And here we are, in very good company, on the Wordsworth bestseller list…

Version 2



April 2016

The Seed Thief is longlisted for the Sunday Times Fiction Award 2016.



An interview with Media 24, in which Jennifer Senasie and I talk intercontinental connections:


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March 2016

Busy month, March! It started with Book Dash, my favourite of all events, a marathon bookathon where writers, illustrators and designers get together for a day of intense productivity (and too much caffeine) to produce gorgeous children’s books. The books are freely available, through the creative commons, with the idea to put books in the homes, hands, hearts and minds of children who wouldn’t otherwise afford them.

This was my second Book Dash, and by the end of the day my team — illustrator Megan Lotter, designer Martelli Kleyn and myself as writer, came away the proud birthers of ‘Shongolo’s Shoes‘. I love this book, and my team, and Book Dash, beyond words.


You can read the entire book here, and find out more about Book Dash and the wonderful work they do here.


Then it was off to Stellenbosch where I had a wonderful session at the Woordfees — great turnout, lovely readers, and the most insightful of interviewers in Helen Moffett. You can listen to the session here.



But wait, there was more! In my home neighbourhood, where the notorious South Easter wind sweeps us off our feet, we got Blown Away by Books.



I had a great time talkng about ‘Foreign Settings’ with fellow writers Claire Robertson
and Rahla Xenopoulos, chaired by the ever-effervescent Diane Awerbuck.


And that wasn’t all: The month came to a close  with an Exclusive Books Coffee morning, where I got up-close and personal with some readers. It was such fun that we stayed on long after the coffee was cold and the muffins were reduced to crumbs on the table. There was an entire eight-member book club among the attendees. I do love readers.


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February 2016

I got up bright and early one Sunday morning to appear on SABC 2’s Morning Live edition with Samm Marshall. It was loads of fun and well worth the pre-dawn wake up!

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(If the link above doesn’t work, you can watch the interview here.)

January 2016

The new year kicks off with a wonderful review by Karina Szczurek and these gorgeous pictures, which she took in situ while reading the book. Karina is a vital force in the SA literary scene, a passionate wordsmith, unstintingly generous with her support of books and authors, whether local or beyond our borders.  Feel blessed and honoured to have her enthusiastic endorsement.




This review originally appeared in LitNet. Read it on Karina’s blog here.


December 2015

The Seed Thief one of the top ten books of 2015!

The Cape Times published its ‘Top 100 of 2015’ list – and The Seed Thief comes in at number three in the ten best books category. Honoured to be on a list among such great colleagues, friends and fellow writers.





October 2015

“One of the best novels of the Year” – Andrea van Wyk, PowerFM

Andrea van Wyk shared the podcast of our interview for PowerFM radio. And said very nice things about The Seed Thief:

“I interview Jacqui L’Ange, author of one of the best novels of the year, “The Seed Thief.” It’s an extraordinary novel described as both eco-thriller and love story, and that explores the rich culture of Brazil’s Salvador.

Listen in on Soundcloud:



September 2015

“The Perfect Cross Continental Time Capsule”

“The launch of The Seed Thief by debut novelist Jacqui L’Ange at Cape Town’s famous independent bookshop, The Book Lounge, was fabulously well attended….”

Read the full report on the BooksLive site.




August 2015

Look What They’ve Done to My Song, Ma…


The Seed Thief finds itself in very good company at Exclusive Books in OR Tambo International Airport.

In case you recognised the song title in the heading, it wasn’t a random choice: Melanie’s song features in the story, along with a lot of other great tunes. You’ll find the playlist on The Seed Thief blog, which has more info and trivia about the book and its making…