“There are writers and then there are writers. Most of us can only dream of becoming the kind of writer Jacqui L’Ange already is, and the stunning The Seed Thief is only her debut novel.”

I have been blessed with wonderful reviews, but none has warmed my heart as much as this one, by Karina Szczurek. She even took stylish pictures of my book in suitable settings. Beyond honoured!



(The review orinally appeared on LitNet, but I prefer the version on Karina’s own blog, not least because of the gorgeous pictures.)



“Beautifully crafted and poetically detailed… wide-ranging, sensuous and unusual, this is a dense novel with a slippery, clever plot.”

– Karin Schimke, Cape Times. ‘The Top 100 of 2015’ (December 28, 2015)



“A poetry-infused whirlwind of Southern Hemisphere mysticism and botanical espionage. An understated triumph.”

   – Nick Mulgrew on  The Seed Thief   in The Sunday Times Best Books of 2015


From Pretoria News, 2 November, 2015:

Seed Thief Pretoria News Review

(Click on the image for an expanded view….)


“Jacqui L’Ange’s The Seed Thief is an exquisite botanical mystery.”

“Who knew a tiny star-shaped seed from a near-extinct tree could spark so enchanting, suspenseful, and intensely spiritual a tale as Jacqui L’Ange’s debut novel, The Seed Thief?”

Read Andrea Van Wyk’s full review here.


The Seed Thief got its first review in The Cape Times, Friday August 28, 2015. Click on the image to read more …

seed thief aug 28 2015 cape times